
Robert Rushforth Morley has published poetry in a variety of magazines, including Orbis , Envoi, HQ, The Interpreter’s House, and Stand.

A sample of his poems can be found on at Poetry PF

Moon’s Yard – His first collection of poems, published in November 2020, is available from Cyberwit.

There’s a well of wonders here. So says the title poem of Moon’s Yard, and it’s an epithet that can be as easily applied to the whole collection. It’s a book full of great and small wonders of the flesh, the spirit, and the supernatural. Most of all, though, this is a book that revels in the wonders of language, its sounds and shifts, and the ways in which a subtle trip can tip meaning into the unexpectedly profound or into the profane revelation of a delightfully excruciating pun.  – OZ HARDWICK

Original cover art work by Gabriella Ripepi

A reading from Moon’s Yard for fellow ordinands